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Getting The Best Mortgage Advisor – Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

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The process of applying for a mortgage can often be very daunting and filled with uncertainty, but not if you get the right mortgage advisor. Find out what to look for with our mortgage advisor ultimate guide Ireland 2022.

mortgage advisor

In this article, we aim to outline what a mortgage advisor is, why you should consider going to one, and how to find the best one for you.

  1. What is a Mortgage Advisor?
  2. Why should I go to a Mortgage Advisor?
  3. How do I find the right Mortgage Advisor for me?
  4. Summary Mortgage Advisor Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

Top Mortgage broker comparison

Broker Free Google Rating All Lenders Partner Solicitor One on One Service Recommended by
moneysherpa 4.9
Irish Mortgage Corporation 4.9
Doddl 4.8
mortgages.ie 4.6
Switcheroo 4.8
Local Brokers €100-€500 3-5

Updated 10/03/2024

What is a Mortgage Advisor? Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

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A mortgage advisor is a qualified professional who aims to find the best mortgage deal for you given your personal circumstances.

With over 250 mortgage products offered by 9 different lenders in Ireland, it’s no wonder so many struggle to find the best mortgage for them, and end up going with a mortgage that could lose them thousands in the long run.

A mortgage advisor will help you work out how much you can afford to borrow and use their knowledge of the market to find the best deal available.

When looking for the best deal out there, a good mortgage advisor will;

  • Talk with you to figure out what you can afford to borrow given your financial situation
  • Search the market for the best deals available
  • Compare deals offered by lenders
  • Tell you about different deals to help you find one that best suits you

Why should I go to a Mortgage Advisor? Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

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There are many benefits to seeing a mortgage advisor, as a good mortgage advisor will;

  • Look at your financial circumstances to find a deal that best suits you
  • Use their knowledge of lenders to find ones that are right for you
  • Access exclusive deals not available directly
  • Help you with the paperwork that comes with applying for a mortgage
  • Help you find a deal that you are likely to get

A mortgage advisor can help lift the burden that comes with applying for a mortgage.

By using their connections and knowledge of the market, mortgage advisors can help find a deal that is affordable and right for you.

Finding a deal yourself can be a long and difficult process. Mortgage advisors are there to save you time and effort, and may even be able to find you a deal you can’t on your own.

How do I find the right Mortgage Advisor for me? Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

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There are many factors you should take into consideration when looking for a mortgage advisor, such as;

Type of mortgage advisor

Mortgage advisors can either act independent or work on behalf of a lender. It’s important to know if you’re mortgage advisors is working for a financial institution, as this can impact their advice.

It’s also important to see how many lenders your mortgage advisor works with, as mortgage advisors who only work with a certain amount of lenders can only offer you a limited amount of deals.

An independent mortgage advisor will show you deals from many different lenders as they are not tied to only one, meaning you can choose from a wider range of lenders and deals.


Some mortgage advisors will not charge their clients, as they’re paid a commission based on the value of their clients mortgage once it has gone through.

Yet some mortgage advisors may charge their clients a flat fee of €100-€150. Other advisors may charge their clients a commission based on a percentage of their mortgage. This can be a problem if you are looking to take out a large mortgage.

Always ask mortgage advisors about their fees before deciding who to go with.


It’s important to find out what qualifications your potential mortgage advisor has. Before going with a certain advisor, check that they;

  • Are a Qualified Financial Advisor (QFA)
  • Are an Accredited Product Adviser (APA)
  • Are registered with the Central Bank of Ireland

It’s vital that the advisor you go to has the right qualifications to give you accurate financial advice when it comes to your mortgage.

Find out more on how the Central Bank regulates mortgage advisors here.

Summary – Mortgage Advisor Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

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In short, mortgage advisors are professional financial advisors who are there to act in your best interests and find the best mortgage for you.

Mortgage advisors help ease the stress of applying for a mortgage by figuring out what you can afford to lend, getting and comparing deals from lenders and finding the best one for you.

Next Steps – Mortgage Advisor Ultimate Guide Ireland 2022

Broker Free Google Rating All Lenders Partner Solicitor One on One Service Recommended by
moneysherpa 4.9
Irish Mortgage Corporation 4.9
Doddl 4.8
mortgages.ie 4.6
Switcheroo 4.8
Local Brokers €100-€500 3-5

Updated 10/03/2024

We at moneysherpa have qualified financial advisors on hand to help you find the best mortgage deal for you. If choose moneysherpa as your mortgage advisor, you will;

  • Get our expert opinion free of charge
  • Have a wide range of options from a wide range of lenders, as we act independent from financial institutions
  • Have your paperwork dealt with digitally in one of our free online calls
  • Get comprehensive advice on all your options to find the best deal to suit your personal circumstances
  • Get our lifetime best rate guarantee, meaning our sherpas will always check the market to switch if we find a better deal for you
  • Have all your questions or queries answered by our team of professional mortgage advisors

Start your application online with moneysherpa here

You can book a free, no obligation video chat with the mortgage sherpa team here.

Read more about the mortgage sherpa team here.

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