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Best Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Ultimate Comparison Review

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The most comprehensive review of residential mortgage rates in Ireland all 250 rates and all 8 lenders. We’ve spent hours comparing all the mortgage rates in the Irish market to come up with the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 for you.

The mortgage rates you are on can make a huge difference to your monthly repayments, read on to find out how you can save thousands of euro a year with our mortgage comparison Ireland and get the lowest mortgage rate.

mortgage interest relief

A lower mortgage rate can make huge difference to the cost of your mortgage for two reasons.

  • Mortgages are so large, with the average mortgage over €200,000
  • Mortgages are usually over a long period, with an average length of 15 years

Large mortgage + long time = thousands of euro to be saved in interest payments.

The average Irish consumer can save over €20,000 by picking or switching to the best mortgage rates. This means you can afford a bigger home, pay off your mortgage early or simply pocket those savings.

The type of mortgage you choose can make a big difference and depends on your individual needs, you can book a free advice call with one of our advisors here or read on to see what mortgage rate type makes the most sense for you and the best mortgage rates Ireland compared.

  1. Our best mortgage rate Ireland by type
  2. Our best mortgage rate Ireland overall
  3. 3 things to look out for when choosing the best mortgage rates Ireland
  4. Best mortgage rate Ireland, the verdict

Our Best Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 By Type Compared

So what are the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024? There are two main types of mortgage rates in the Irish market, a fixed mortgage rate and a variable mortgage rate.

Lenders have focussed on offering better deals on fixed rate mortgages as a way of gaining new business without having to cut rates to existing customers on variable rates.

As a result over 80% of new mortgages are currently fixed rate mortgage deals and you will almost certainly be better off with a fixed mortgage rate if you are looking to get the lowest mortgage rate possible.

When we compare mortgage rates that’s why we plump for the 10-30 year fixed deals from Avant Money as our best mortgage rates. These longer term deals are common in Europe, but have only been made available here in Ireland since 2020.

Now, you probably won’t change your mortgage too often, but if you want the option there are plenty of 4-7 yr fixed rate options still at APRC’s of 4% or less in our mortgage rates comparison, which we also cover below.

Here’s the best of the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 based on all 240 mortgage rates on the market, read on to find out how we compare mortgage rates and the key things to consider.

Rank Mortgage Product Rate Value Repayment Security Ease of Approval Approval Speed Overall Rating
#1. Avant Money Mortgage 10-30 Yr Fixed 4.25 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.58
#2. Avant Money Mortgage 7 Yr Fixed 4.25 3.5 4.0 5.0 4.13
#3. Haven Mortgage 10 Yr Fixed 3.5 4.0 3.5 5.0 3.95
#4. Avant Money Mortgage 5 Yr Fixed 4.5 2.5 4.0 5.0 3.90
#5. Haven Mortgage 7 Yr Fixed 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.55

Rating Weighting: Rate 30%, Security 30%, Approval 20%, Speed 20%, updated 26/09/2023

Our best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 comparison are based on the 4 factors that make up a good mortgage

  1. Mortgage Rate Value (30%) – How much you will pay in interest over the whole mortgage term
  2. Repayment Security (30%) – How long your rate is fixed over
  3. Ease of Approval (20%) – How likely are you to get approved
  4. Approval Speed (20%) – How quickly will you get approved

Mortgage Rate Value: Getting the best interest rate over the whole term of the mortgage is critically important, some providers push cash back or a low introductory rate to trick you into signing up to higher long term rates that will cost you thousands more in interest. To accurately compare mortgage rates you should compare the average rate over the full term. You can read more about how to work out your long term rate below Using APRC to Calculate Your Real Mortgage Rate.

Repayment Security: The longer you fix for the longer you cap your repayments for. This means removing the risk you will lose your home if interest rates spiral out of control. You should fix for as long a period as you can if you want to make sure you can afford your payments longer term.

The downside of a fixed mortgage are the penalties you pay if you want to change your mortgage within the fixed period. That said, are you really going to be switching every couple of years?

A long term fixed deal will cap your repayments, making sure you don’t get into trouble if interest rates start to rise. Even if these cost a little more in the short term we recommend these products for most customers for the certainty it provides.

Yes you might miss out if interest rates fall, but using your home to play the financial markets is not something we advise for most people. As a result when we compare mortgage rates we rank longer term fixed rates more highly.

Ease of Approval: Different lenders have different credit rules. Having access to a broker is crucial in ensuring that you are likely to get your mortgage approved and is taken into account in our comparisons.

Approval Speed: Lender approval times vary wildly from 1 month to 6 months. With interest rates rising having a lender that is likely to approve you quickly can be critical to securing the best rate.

Our mortgage rate comparison is the ultimate guide to mortgage rates available, but you should still talk to a broker about your individual circumstances before deciding on the best product for you.

Rate Comparison – Using APRC to Calculate Your Real Mortgage Rate

The best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 that are available to you will depend on the size of loan you need divided by the value of the home. The lower the loan to value (LTV) the cheaper the mortgage rate, this is because there is less risk for the lender.

We have assumed an LTV of less than 50% in this article to keep things simple, to check out the exact best mortgage rates for your LTV you should check out our repayment calculator here.

Using the APRC makes it easier to compare mortgage rates as it includes any hidden fees and how your rate might change over time. That’s why it’s recommended by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) and that’s why we use it to drive our rate comparisons making it easier to pick the lowest mortgage rate over the long term. [1]

Lowest Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Comparison

Check out the table below for our comparison of 3 year introductory best mortgage interest rates Ireland 2024.

3 Year Introductory Comparison by LTV
3 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Avant Money MoCo ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland
Up to 50% LTV 3.60% 4.80% 4.90% 5.75% 4.75% 4.55% 5.00% 4.75% 4.00%
Up to 60% LTV 3.60% 4.80% 4.90% 5.75% 4.75% 4.75% 5.00% 4.75% 4.50%
Up to 70% LTV 3.60% 4.80% 4.95% 5.80% 4.75% 4.70% 5.00% 4.85% 4.00%
Up to 80% LTV 3.60% 4.90% 5.10% 5.80% 4.75% 4.75% 5.00% 4.85% 4.00%
Up to 90% LTV 3.95% 5.20% 5.20% 6.15% 4.75% 4.85% 5.00% 5.10% 4.00%
*Green Rate, BoI based on C BER, rates updated 20/11/24

Be careful though, the lowest mortgage interest rate though isn’t necessarily the best or cheapest mortgage rate.

Low introductory rates and cash back offers are often used to disguise the true cost of a mortgage by lenders and brokers, which is why we always use the average cost you will pay across the whole mortgage (APRC) in our reviews, comparisons and savings calculations.

If you compare at the average interest rate across the whole mortgage term for the same 3 year introductory fixed rate you will see the gap between the lenders is actually much bigger than it first seems.

3 Year Fixed Rate APRC Comparison by LTV
3 Year Fixed APRC Avant Money MoCo ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland
Up to 50% LTV 3.93% 4.82% 5.88% 6.64% 4.50% 4.02% 4.60% 4.65% 4.20%
Up to 60% LTV 3.93% 4.82% 5.88% 6.78% 4.50% 4.09% 4.60% 4.51% 4.20%
Up to 70% LTV 3.93% 4.82% 5.90%% 6.80% 4.50% 4.21% 4.60% 4.68% 4.20%
Up to 80% LTV 3.93% 4.82% 6.06% 6.80% 4.50% 4.21% 4.60% 4.68% 4.20%
Up to 90% LTV 4.05% 4.82% 6.10% 7.06% 4.50% 4.40% 4.60% 4.98% 4.20%
Rates updated 20/11/24

That’s why the mortgage interest rates in moneysherpa’s best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 comparisons may look different than what you see on other websites, we use the APRC to give you an accurate picture of lender costs.

  • The lowest interest rate on the market today is Avant Moneys 3 yr fixed rate at 3.87% APRC.
  • The highest for the same loan is Finance Ireland’s fixed rate at a whopping 6.26% APRC.

A €200,000 mortgage over 15 years at Finance Ireland’s Ireland’s 6.26% APRC will cost over €30,000 more than at Avants 3.87% APRC. These kind of savings are typical for anyone who bought after 2008.

So it pays to shop around and be compare when selecting the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024. moneysherpa’s advisors deal with all the leading lenders so can provide the full mortgage interest rate comparison for Ireland.

Logo 1 Best Buys

Avant Money Mortage

  • From 3.61% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 3-30
  • Approval Policy: Tight
Logo 2 Best Buys

Haven Mortage

  • From 4.00% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 3
  • Approval Policy: Complex
Green Mortgage 6 Best Buys

Bank of Ireland

  • From 3.90% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 4
  • Approval Policy: Flexible

Here’s how the best mortgage rates ireland 2024 comparison broke down in each of our categories, the key data for best mortgage rates in Ireland in 2024 and the key reasons we selected each category winner.

Best Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Overall Compared


We’re really big fans of longer term fixed rates, because of the certainty they provide. That’s why we have picked our best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 based on 10-30 year fixed rates. The mortgage rate comparison table below gives the APRC for all lenders at loan to values below 50% as an example.

Standard Mortgage Average Rate (10-15yr) at LTV < 50%
APRC at LTV < 50% Avant Money Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland
10 Yr 3.92% 4.70% 4.68% 4.40%
15 Yr 3.48%
20 Yr 3.48%
25 Yr 3.48%
30 Yr 3.48%
Correct as of 20/11/24. APRC is the Average Rate paid across the whole mortgage term. BoI rate based on C BER

The leading score on rate, whilst not dropping many points on the basis of flexibility, makes Avant Money’s 15-30 year Fixed rates the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 choice overall across all loan to values and also the best fixed mortgage rates in our comparison of the whole mortgage market. 

If you’re looking for the lowest mortgage repayments and don’t mind being tied in to a provider for 15-25 years look no further.

Best Fixed Short Term Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Compared

If you want to save on legacy mortgage rates, but don’t feel you can commit to fifteen years without changes, then there are plenty of fixed mortgage rates available between three to five years that still might do the trick.

These rates the lowest mortgage rates in Ireland right now compared,

Standard Mortgage Average Rate (3-7yr) at LTV 50%
Fixed Term APRC Avant Money MoCo Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland
3 Yr 3.93% 5.21% 4.00% 4.02% 4.20% 4.61% 4.20% 5.88% 6.64%
4 Yr 3.82% 4.09% 4.28%
5 Yr 3.97% 5.06 4.30% 4.16% 4.50% 4.72% 4.20% 5.56 6.35%
7 Yr 3.95% 4.60% 4.58% 4.79% 6.04%
Correct as of 20/11/24. APRC = Average Rate paid across the whole mortgage term, table, excludes Mortgage value >€250,000, excludes Green Mortgages, BoI based on C BER Rating

The low fixed rate period is shorter so the overall cost of the mortgage is higher, but the mortgage interest rate across the term is still very competitive.

In our short term best mortgage rate Ireland comparison Avant Money lead the pack, AIB and Haven run them close, with more flexible lending policies that might suit if you have any credit skeletons in your cupboard .

Best High Value and Green Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Compared

Some lenders have introduced lower mortgage rates for customers with higher value mortgages, typically over €250,000 and also Green mortgages were the BER rating of the home is B3 or better. These lower mortgage rates aren’t included in out standard best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 comparison tables shown so far as they aren’t available to all customers.

If you are looking for a higher value mortgage or a green mortgage you should check out the table below which includes the lenders Green and Higher Value mortgage products. These are some of the lowest mortgage rate products Ireland has to offer, as lenders prefer green and larger size mortgages.

Green and High Value Average Rates at LTV < 90%
APRC Avant Mortgage ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland
3 Yr 4.05% 6.43% 6.26% 4.50% 4.02% 4.60% 4.66% 4.20%
4 Yr 3.98% 4.00%* 4.21%* 4.00%* 4.57% 3.80%*
5 Yr 4.05% 6.26% 7.42% 4.60% 3.97%* 4.80% 4.64%* 4.10%
7 Yr 4.05% 4.90% 4.75% 5.13% 3.80%*
LTV < 90%, *Includes Mortgage value >€250,000 or Building Energy Rating B3+, BoI assumes A BER, rates updated 20/11/24/

Best Variable Mortgage Rates 2024 Compared

If you want the flexibility to switch without any penalty in the early years or are not sure about the benefits of a fixed rate, there are still variable mortgage rates that offer big savings on other mortgage rates. 

Variable/Follow On Rates Comparison
Follow on Variable Rate Avant Money ICS Mortgages Finance Ireland Haven Mortgages AIB Mortgage MoCo EBS Mortgage Permanent TSB Bank of Ireland
Up to 50% LTV 3.75% 6.20% 6.40% 3.75% 3.75% 5.20% 4.15% 4.40% 4.15%
Up to 60% LTV 3.75% 5.95% 6.20% 3.95% 3.95% 5.20% 4.15% 4.50% 4.15%
Up to 70% LTV 3.75% 6.95% 6.20% 3.95% 3.95% 5.20% 4.15% 4.50% 4.15%
Up to 80% LTV 3.95% 6.20% 6.20% 4.15% 3.95% 5.20% 4.15% 4.70% 4.15%
Up to 90% LTV 3.95% 6.20% 5.15% 4.15% 4.15% 5.20% 4.15% 4.70% 4.15%
*Probable follow on variable rates post fixed period based on current variable rates by provider, rates updated 26/04/24. PTSB rates applicable from 17/01/24

Haven who are owned by AIB offer an attractive APRC and one of the best variable mortgage rate in the market. On the average mortgage and term, by switching to them you will save €21,641 versus Bank of Ireland’s 5% APRC product at the same LTV without even having to fix.

3 things to look out for when comparing the best mortgage rate Ireland 2024


While the lowest mortgage interest rate is the most important thing in choosing the mortgage, there are a number of other things to also consider when you compare best mortgage rates Ireland 2024. Here are the top 3 things you need to know before picking your mortgage.

Approval rate

If you are switching without ‘topping up’ your mortgage (increasing your loan size), approval isn’t usually a big factor. If you are buying or topping up though, the lender you choose can have a big impact on your chance of approval.

For example Finance Ireland’s ‘hurdle rate’ for the disposable income is lower than some other lenders. So if you are really stretching to buy that dream home, they may be a good option. ICS offers higher loan sizes to public sector workers, while Finance Ireland also have a mortgage for borrowers who have a more rocky credit history.

It’s a good idea to talk to a broker, moneysherpa has our own team who are free to use and 100% online, to pick the lender who is most likely to get you approved. A number of lenders only work through brokers and a broker can also help you with the paperwork.

Switcher, first time, mover, self build or Investment

Another thing that can make a big difference picking the best lender, is the type of buyer you are. Finance Ireland specialise in providing mortgages for investment properties, while other lenders like PTSB are good options if you are building your own property. A mortgage advisor who knows the lenders can help picking the right lender for your needs.

Cash back and other benefits

Bank of Ireland and PTSB offer cash back deals which give you money in your bank account instantly when you get a new mortgage or switch to them. Haven offer €1,500 to cover your solicitors and estate agent fees when your switching which can be a good option.

Generally though, the providers without the cash back offers are the better value in the long term. So unless you are planning switching every couple of years, you are better off choosing your mortgage rate based on the lowest mortgage APRC.

Mortgage advisors

Mortgage advisors, also known as brokers, are usually free to use as they are paid a commission by the lenders. The rates you pay via a broker are the same as those you pay when you go direct.

A number of lenders only operate through brokers, such as Avant Money and Finance Ireland. So working with a broker will often give you access to better rates.

As brokers are working with multiple lenders day in day out, they know all the pro’s and con’s of each lender and can give you independent advice on the best lender for you. Plus they will take the pain out of the paperwork, which is a big plus.

We have our own team of mortgage advisors at moneysherpa, the mortgage sherpas. Click here if you want to schedule a video call and get a sherpa to help you with your mortgage.

Best mortgage rates Ireland 2024, the verdict

So who has the best mortgage rates ireland 2024? Whether you are a switcher, mover, investor or first time buyer, we hope this article helped you cut through the fog around mortgage rates in Ireland and help you compare the best mortgage rates.

It’s not easy to compare best mortgage rates as there are over 250 different types and there is more to it than simply picking the lowest mortgage interest rate in Ireland right now.

Overall, the Avant Money’s 15-25 year fixed rates came clearly out on top as the overall best mortgage rate Ireland 2024. Establishing a big lead in our comparison with their market leading APRC, which saves €20,000+ for switchers in most cases.

There are also flexible terms built in that make it a great option for most people. You can read a full review of this product here.

Avant Money’s products are also a great choice for those looking for medium fixed terms. We would strongly advise to fix for as long as you can, but if you want lots of flexibility or a friendlier credit policy Haven’s 3 Year Fixed or Variable rates are good options.

Next steps – Compare Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024

You can also check out our deep dive reviews into the best mortgage rates Ireland 2024 and products by clicking the links below.

If you want to see what you could save by calculating your repayments and compare switching deals you can click here.

If you want to know more about switching you can click here. Or you can check out our handy switching mortgage guide here and our remortgaging guide here.

If you want to get your savings started right now, set up a free no obligation video call with a mortgage sherpa here, covering not only the best rate, but also helping choose the lender most likely to approve you and helping take the pain out of the paperwork.

Logo 1 Best Buys

Avant Money Mortage

  • From 3.61% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 3-30
  • Approval Policy: Tight
Logo 2 Best Buys

Haven Mortage

  • From 4.00% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 3
  • Approval Policy: Complex
Green Mortgage 6 Best Buys

Bank of Ireland

  • From 3.90% aprc
  • Years Fixed: 4
  • Approval Policy: Flexible

Once you have your mortgage all sorted and you want to sell your own home this handy guide by the online Irish estate agent start up Moovingo might also be useful.

Mortgage Rate FAQ

What’s the best mortgage rate in Ireland?

The best mortgage rate right now is a 7-15 year rate from Avant Money with an APRC of 4%. A longer term fixed rate has the benefit of capping your repayments and Avant Money’s follow on rate, the rate you pay after the fixed period, is the best in the market. Avant Money is only available through 54 brokers nationwide including moneysherpa.

What’s the best 5 year mortgage rate?

The best 5 year rate is Avant Money’s 5 year fixed rate with an APRC of 4%, 0.4% below the market average. You will need to contact a broker who has an appointment with Avant Money to access this rate.

What’s the best fixed mortgage rate?

The best fixed mortgage rates are those from the non bank lenders Avant Money. They are the clear leader as their introductory rate is the best and rates after the fixed period, known as a follow on or variable rate, are also lower. This means the total amount you will pay in interest is reduced versus lenders with higher follow on rates. You can only get Avant Money through a broker like moneysherpa.

How to get the best mortgage rate?

Talk to a mortgage broker who has appointments with all seven lenders, it’s their job to find the best rate for your circumstances and some of the lenders with the lowest rates are only available via a broker. Be warned not all brokers have all the lenders so check first.

If you still have questions check out our switching Q&A here.

2 thoughts on “Best Mortgage Rates Ireland 2024 Ultimate Comparison Review”

  1. I do not agree with you when you say that Avent Money is the best to get a mortage. That is not true as Haven Mortage are giveing a 10 year fixed at 3.5 per cent which is the best out there so you are wrong again. Regards Gerald.


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