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Ultimate Moving Home Checklist 2023

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Moving Home Checklist

Moving into a new home can be a daunting process, leaving many people unsure where to even get started. That’s why we at moneysherpa have created this short and simple “Moving Home checklist”, to help those who are moving home stay organised and make the process of moving home as straightforward as possible.

Moving Home Checklist: What to do before your Moving Day.

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We’re all prone to a little procrastination here and there, however when it comes to moving home it’s best to plan ahead and get started as soon as possible. Here’s a short checklist of what you can do ahead of your moving day to help make the moving process as stress free as possible:

  • Confirm your moving day with your solicitor, conveyancer, and landlord if you are renting.
  • Research van hire/removal companies. Once you think you’ve found the best one and have confirmed your moving date, get a quote and book as soon as possible to get the best price.
  • Try to create a daily packing rota, where you allocate a small period of time each day to tick things off your packing list. This way you won’t become overwhelmed by the time your moving date comes around.
  • Declutter and clear your things out. Moving home is a great opportunity to sort through your belongings and donate, sell, or dispose of items you no longer need.
  • Start packing. Make sure you have enough boxes, labels, bubble wrap and packing tape ahead of time. If you’re enlisting the help of professional movers, check in with them before your moving date to make sure that everything is in order. Make sure to label your boxes so you won’t be struggling to find things once you’ve moved into your new home.
  • Make an “Essentials Box.” It might be a good idea to pack up a box with all your essentials, like toiletries, a change of clothes, and basic kitchen items for the first day at your new home.
  • Notify service providers. It’s important to notify your utility companies and other service providers about your move and what your new address will be. This includes:
    • Waste Services.
    • Your gas, electricity, and water provider.
    • Your broadband, landline, and TV provider.
    • Your mortgage provider.
    • Your insurance provider if you have home insurance.
    • Government offices, for instance the Revenue Commision.
    • Schools or employers.
  • Redirect your mail with An Post so that your mail will be posted to your new address. You will need to do this at least five days before your move. We’ve attached a link which will take you to the An Post page where you can redirect your mail here.
  • Clean and fix any damage to the property. If you rent, carefully check any instructions provided by your landlord for leaving the property.

Moving Home Checklist: What to do on your Moving Day.

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With the right preparation beforehand, your moving day shouldn’t be too much hassle. Here’s a quick checklist of what you need to do on the day of your big move:

  • Take a Meter Reading. It’s important you take readings of all your metered services before you leave the property.
  • Supervise the Move. If you are hiring movers, be present to oversee the loading and unloading process.
  • Do a Final Check. Walk through your old home to ensure you haven’t left anything behind.

Moving Home Checklist: What to do once you’re moved in.

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Once you’ve moved into your new home, it’s important to:

  • Ensure utilities are connected at your new home, and set up new services if needed.
  • Update your Address. Once you’ve moved in, you will need to update your address with the relevant organizations. Here’s a list of who you should inform of your move:
    • Your mobile phone provider.
    • Your bank and any other financial services your subscribed to.
    • Your insurance provider.
    • Health services, such as your GP.
  • You will also need to update the address on your drivers licence, passport, and vehicle registration.

In a nutshell: Moving Home Checklist.

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Moving house requires careful planning and coordination, so make sure to give yourself enough time to prepare ahead of time. It’s important to make a checklist of what needs to be done before you move, when you move, and after you’ve moved to make the process of moving home as straightforward as possible.

If you are looking to get a mortgage or switch to a new one for your new home, you can book a free call with one of our qualified mortgage advisors here.

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